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Bodybuilding Fat Loss Diet Nutrition Guide


The idea behind this guide is to give you comprehensive important that
encompasses all aspects of losing fat. If you want to lose fat and keep it off, then
you will have to change the way you eat. No, don't think I am saying you are not
going to enjoy food for the rest of your life. Oh, you will enjoy food, but at the same
time knowing when and what to eat will keep you lean. I have separated this guide
into different parts so if you feel you already know the topic then you skim or skip
over it.

                          "You are what you eat"

I know everyone has heard this phrase many times before, but it is very much true.
Every tissue in your body is made up elements such as carbon, hydrogen,
nitrogen, sulfur, etc. And every type of food we eat is also made up of these
elements. So if you feed you body healthy nutritious foods then your health and
body will show it.

                         What makes a person fat?

There are many things that play a part in how much fat a person has on their body.
Some of these things are out of our control, such as genetic. But other such as
how much exercise we get and what foods we eat are very much under our control.
Now we will focus on only changing our diet and exercising patterns to lose fat,
since we can not do anything about our genetics.

Glucose, Insulin and Blood Sugar:

Know how to control these 3 things can maximize a person's fat loss. When we eat
food we are essentially providing our body with energy to get through the day. Due
to evolution, our body has learned that sometimes we might not get enough food to
survive the day. That is the precise reason that our body stores energy for those
"rainy" days. This energy is stored either as glucose or fat. Our body stores
normally 4 grams of glucose compared to the pounds and pounds that we might
have. The reason is that glucose is fast energy that can we relied on in an instant,
while fat stores take a bit of time. When we eat a meal containing carbohydrates
our glucose levels rise and in turn they cause our insulin levels to spike. The
problem with insulin is that after a meal it takes more than 2 hours for the levels to
fall back to normal, whereas glucose levels return to normal in a few minutes. With
elevated levels of insulin our body is in the energy storing state. That mean body
fat will not be used as fuel. Therefore controlling insulin and keeping it fairly stable
throughout the day  can translate into burning fat all day long.

Myth 1: "Carbohydrates will make me fat"

Carbohydrates are not necessarily going to make a person gain fat. Sounds
contradictory to what you might have heard, but it is true. If you consume large
amounts of carbs day after day and do not burn them off then eventually those
excess carbs will be stored as fat. But this can be avoided by most by if they
exercise regularly and do not over indulge in high carb foods. A person should
avoid meals that are high in carbs and high in fat. The sad thing about this is most
of the food we eat today tends to be high in both.

Counting Calories: Step 1

Counting the amount of calories you consume per day might sound like an
impossible task but it can be done fairly easily. When I first started to keep my
daily calorie log I had to read labels and look up foods online, but after a few
weeks I knew off the top of my head that a loaf of white bread is approximately 90
calories 1.5 grams of fat and 2 grams of protein. This starts to happen with most of
the foods you consume everyday and it takes only about 10 minutes each night to
fill out your log. Ten minutes a day will not only tell you what you are eating, but will
keep you motivated not to break your diet. Your log will show you clearly why your
losing weight or why your gain weight.

Maintaining your weight: To maintain your weight simply multiply what you
weigh now by 15. Example, I am 180lbs therefore my maintenance calories are
180lbs X 15 = 2,700 per day. You might have to adjust this either up or down
depending on your metabolism and the level or exercise you get. But 15 is a
perfect starting point.

Losing fat: To lose fat you can start by multiplying you weight by 11. Therefore if I
wanted to lose fat I would need to consume 180lbs x 11 = 1,980 calories per day.

 3,500 = 1 pound

3,500 calories burned equals 1 pound lost and 3,500 consumed above your
maintenance calories equals 1 pound gained. So in my case in order to maintain
my weight the calories were 2,700 and to lose fat they were 1,980. Therefore:
 2,700 - 1,980 = 720 calories burned per day

                         720 x 7 day per week = 8,640 calories burned per week

                         8,640 / 3,500 = -2.46 lbs lost per week

Sorry if that is a little complicated, but trust me it works and you will see the results

Eat at least 5 small meals per day: Step 2

The reason for consuming 5 small meals per day is this will not spike our insulin
levels as high as if we had only consumed 3 meals per day. This will also keep our
metabolism elevated through out the day because it takes energy to break down
food. Also eat frequently provides energy for our muscles and there is a less
likelihood that the calories we consume will be stored.

Eat 40% protein, 40% carbohydrates and 20% fat: Step 3

You should eat 40% of your daily calories from proteins and carbs, while the last
20% should come from fats. For example, I need 2,700 calories per day to
maintain my weight and that translates into:

                       2,700 x 40% = 1,080 calories from protein

                                   2,700 x 40% = 1,080 calories from carbohydrates

                                   2,700 x 20% = 540 calories from fat

Also remember that:     

           1 gram of protein = 4 calories

                                   1 gram of carb = 4 calories

                                   1 gram of fat = 9 calories

For me that equals:        
                                    1,080 / 4 = 270 grams of carbs

                                    1,080 / 4 = 270 grams of protein

                                    540 / 9 = 60 grams of fat

The protein amount might sound like it is a lot, but during this time i am not going
to be living a sedentary lifestyle. I would be workout with weights 2-5 times a week
and doing cardio 5-6 times. The higher intake of protein will also cut your hungry
cravings and it has been shown to boost metabolic levels. To get all this protein
you will probably need to buy a protein supplement, either protein powder or meal
replacement powder. But if you can get all the protein by prepare food, then more
power to you! Your protein source should come from lean meats, such as chicken
breast, tuna, fat free milk, lean cut steak, 95 fat free ground beef, chicken, or
turkey, etc

 Eat 40% of your calories from slow digesting carbs

The reason for eating slow digesting carbs is that this will stop our insulin levels
from spiking and will keep our body in a fat burning state through out the whole
day. Example of these complex intact carbs are:

  • Whole Grain Bread
  • Sweet potato or yam
  • Corn
  • Oatmeal
  • Brown Rice
  • Pasta or wheat pasta
  • Apples and pears
  • Squash
  • Lima Beans
  • Baked potato with the skin
  • Vegetables (broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, lettuce, zucchini, tomato, spinach, etc)

                                            Whats are healthy fats?

The last 20% of your calories should come from fat, well not just any type of fat but
the "good" fat. How can fat be good, you say? It is and it can even help you lose
fat. Yes its true fat and help you lose fat!! The good fats to eat are:

  • Olive and Canola Oil
  • Nuts, olives and avocados
  • Fish Oils
  • Flax Seed Oil
  • Peanut Butter
  • Fish

Stay away from:

  • Butter, all types
  • Fried Foods
  • Dairy, such as cheese and milk, unless it is fat free
  • Cookies, cracker, etc


To put everything together here are the 3 steps to fat loss and a healthier lifestyle:

  • Step 1: Start by eating 11 calories per pound

  • Step 2: Eat at least 5 small meals per day

  • Step 3: Eat 40% of your daily calories from carbohydrates and proteins and
    20% from fats.

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This information presented is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). This stack product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.