
Vitamin C Supplement Benefits of Vitamin C and Deficiency Symptoms
- Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is water-
soluble and helps in maintaining collagen, healing wounds, protects from free radical damage, aids in the formation of red blood cells, it is used in preventing and treating the common cold, and plays a part in the metabolism of amino acids.
- Vitamin C helps to strengthen connective tissue in
skin, ligaments and bones.
- Vitamin C is thought of as a "stress" vitamin and
during times of high stress it gets depleted rapidly.
- Signs of deficiency are hair splits and breakage,
poor lactation, broken blood vessels, skin disorders, tendency to bruising, weakened enamel, swollen joints, anemia, lowered resistance to infections and slow healing of wounds and fractures.
- Recommended dosage is 60mg. Higher dosages
are available. Ester-C absorbs better than "regular" vitamin C.

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This information presented is intended to be used for educational purposes only.
The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration
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