MuscleTech Cell Tech Review
Author: Tony Mosca of Performance Nutrition
Ahh, MuscleTech…the mother of all supplement
companies. This week I’ll be reviewing their creatine product, MuscleTech
Cell Tech Hardcore.
MuscleTech is notorious for making outlandish product claims, using creative
“buzz” words and employing high profile athletes to market their
supplements. As informed consumers we know that we must look past the
smoke and mirrors to get down to the true efficacy of a product. MuscleTech Cell Tech uses a
total of 10g of creatine from seven different sources. Are seven sources
of creatine really necessary? No, but it doesn’t really hurt the formula
either. Whether you get 10g of creatine from creatine monohydrate or from
a blend the end result is the same; enhanced ATP production. As an added
benefit MuscleTech added insulin mimickers to enhance the absorption of the
creatine. I do like the alpha lipoic acid and chromium used as insulin
mimickers and blood sugar stabilizers but Cell Tech also adds some odd
compounds which have very little scientific evidence backing them as insulin
mimickers. If you look at the sugar content of this product you can
understand why they would need to add blood sugar stabilizers. 75g of
sugar!! It’s no secret that this ghastly amount of sugar will put on the
pounds, just in the wrong areas. Creatine is well known for its poor
absorbability and by adding massive amounts of sugar the body’s insulin levels
spike which helps to shuttle the creatine into the muscle cell. So then
why do they use insulin mimickers? MuscleTech loves adding a bunch of
ingredients to make it seem like the end user is getting more for his money
when in reality its just eye candy to make the label look good and confuse the
customer. Will Cell Tech work? It should, but compare the price of
a jug of straight creatine monohydrate and a bag of sugar to Cell Tech, which
is essentially what MuscleTech Cell Tech is.

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