Bodybuilding Supplement Secrets

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Post Workout Recovery Supplements

Supplements can be a great way to quickly recover from your 
workout. The better you recover..the quicker you can slap on 
more muscle mass. This is a sample supplement program 
designed to help speed up your recovery from the workout and 
increase lean muscle mass.

During your workout:

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA's)-  I am amazed that some 
bodybuilders refuse to use this supplement because they 
believe it is "old" news. I saw an email to the president of a
large supplement company asking him if they were going to 
make a BCAA product because the one he was using was 
working so great. What was the president of this supplement 
companies response? That's old technology we are working 
on "cutting- edge" stuff. Translation: There's no money in it for 
us even though it obviously works great as you say. I say if it 
puts on muscle, who cares what it is as long as its safe! The 
mistake people were making before was not consuming 
enough of a dosage.  0.20 grams per pound of bodyweight 
taken during your workout will yield great strength gains.

After your workout: Post-workout supplement shake - I am sure 
everyone already knows the importance of consuming a carbohydrate 
and protein shake.  So many studies have proven this works 
that it should be the mainstay of just about every bodybuilders 

I know this would be very expensive if you tried to do this all at 
once, but you can pick and try just one for a while. For example, 
start with the BCAA's during your workout and see how that goes. 
Then move on to others. Experiment and see what works best 
for you. These all work! How well they work for you can only be
found out when you try it. 

Good Luck!

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Bodybuilding Supplement Secrets

This information presented is intended to be used for educational purposes only. The statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (U.S.). This stack product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any condition or disease. Please consult with your own physician or health care practitioner regarding any suggestions and recommendations made.